Honor has unveiled its latest marquee device, the Honor V10. The Huawei sub-brand debuted the phablet-sized device at an event in Beijing. It ditches the Leica branding for camera in V10, but it does have Real-Time Scene and Object Recognition functions thanks to Huawei’s AI tech. Consumers in China can pick up the device starting from CNY 2,700 (around $410) from December 5th.
Honor V10 comes with 5.99-inch 18:9 ratio 1080p display with less bezels
Honor V10 brings Huawei’s own Kirin 970 processor, the same chipset found in the flagship Mate 10.
It comes with 4GB/6GB RAM and 64GB/128GB internal storage.
Phone runs on EMUI 8 on top of Android Oreo 8.0
It comes with dual rear cameras with a 16MP primary and 20MP monochrome, and a 13MP selfie camera(Not Leica-branded camera)
Phone can be keep lights on by 3750mAh battery, 5V / 4.5A fast charger is added
On the Cost, CNY 2,700($410) for the 4GB/64GB model,6GB/64GB model is CNY 3,000 ($450) and 6GB/128GB storage is CNY 3,500 ($530).
Honor V10 comes with 5.99-inch 18:9 ratio 1080p display with less bezels
Honor V10 brings Huawei’s own Kirin 970 processor, the same chipset found in the flagship Mate 10.
It comes with 4GB/6GB RAM and 64GB/128GB internal storage.
Phone runs on EMUI 8 on top of Android Oreo 8.0
It comes with dual rear cameras with a 16MP primary and 20MP monochrome, and a 13MP selfie camera(Not Leica-branded camera)
Phone can be keep lights on by 3750mAh battery, 5V / 4.5A fast charger is added
On the Cost, CNY 2,700($410) for the 4GB/64GB model,6GB/64GB model is CNY 3,000 ($450) and 6GB/128GB storage is CNY 3,500 ($530).
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