Qualcomm announced another midrange mobile chipset in the 6XX series, Snapdragon 636. It was only a few months ago that Qualcomm announced the Snapdragon 630 and 660 system-on-a-chip (SoC) designs.
Snapdragon 636 uses Qualcomm’s special Kryo ARM cores, it has the same Kryo 260 cores used in the Snapdragon 660. Qualcomm says this delivers a 40% increase in performance over the 630, which used generic ARM Cortex A53 CPU cores.
The Snapdragon 636 Mobile Platform uses a 14nm FinFet process and software compatible with the Snapdragon 660 and 630 mobile platforms, allowing original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) already using these platforms to quickly and efficiently add Snapdragon 636 to their device line-ups,” Qualcomm added.
“It features 14-bit Qualcomm Spectra 160 ISP, which supports capture of up to 24 megapixels with zero shutter lag while supporting smooth zoom, fast autofocus, and true-to-life colours for outstanding image quality; and the Qualcomm Aqstic audio codec supports Hi-Fi audio on the go, with up to 192kHz/24bit support and the ability to play back lossless audio files with low distortion and high dynamic range.”
Modem | Snapdragon™ X12 LTE |
CPU | 8x Kryo 260 cores, 64-bit, up to 1.8GHz |
GPU | Adreno 509 |
Wi-Fi | 802.11ac Wave 2, 802.11n, 802.11a/b/g |
Bluetooth | 5.0 |
RAM | Dual-channel LPDDR4, up to 8GB |
NFC | Supported |
USB | Up to 3.1 |
Display | FHD+ (18:9) supported, 1080p for external displays |
Charging | QuickCharge 4 |
Audio | aptX, Aqstic |
Process | 14nm |
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