At MWC Shanghai 2017, Qualcomm announced the Snapdragon 450 meant for mid-range handsets. The Snapdragon 450 is an upgraded version of Snapdragon 435 chip-set. The upgrade features include battery life, imaging, and gaming performance as well.
“With the Snapdragon 450, users are going to see a dramatically improved level of performance, connectivity, battery life and imaging performance", said Kedar Kondap, vice president, product management, Qualcomm Technologies, in a press statement.
Being the first in it's segment, Snapdragon 450 features octa-core ARM Cortex A53 CPU chips built on the 14nm FinFET process, which assures 25% increase in compute performance compared to its predecessor Snapdragon 435. It gives LTE connetivity with Snapdragon X9 LTE modem, the downlink and uplink peaks speeds of 300 Mbps and 150 Mbps respectively.
The Snapdragon 450 mobile platform gives additional 4 hours of usage time (battery life) which compared to its predecessor Snapdragon 435. It comes with Qualcomm's Quick Charge 3.0, which can charge the phone up-to 80% in 35 minutes. Qualcomm claims that the power consumption is reduced up to a 30% when gaming.
The Snapdragon 450 supports single camera up-to 21 MP, supports dual camera 13 MP - 13 MP as well. It supports Full HD (1080p) video recording and playback at 60 fps, which is notably higher when compared to Snapdragon 435's Full HD (1080p) recording and 30 fps playback.
Qualcomm expects the Snapdragon 450 to be commercially available in Q3, 2017.
Qualcomm Press Release about Snapdragon 450
“With the Snapdragon 450, users are going to see a dramatically improved level of performance, connectivity, battery life and imaging performance", said Kedar Kondap, vice president, product management, Qualcomm Technologies, in a press statement.
Being the first in it's segment, Snapdragon 450 features octa-core ARM Cortex A53 CPU chips built on the 14nm FinFET process, which assures 25% increase in compute performance compared to its predecessor Snapdragon 435. It gives LTE connetivity with Snapdragon X9 LTE modem, the downlink and uplink peaks speeds of 300 Mbps and 150 Mbps respectively.
The Snapdragon 450 mobile platform gives additional 4 hours of usage time (battery life) which compared to its predecessor Snapdragon 435. It comes with Qualcomm's Quick Charge 3.0, which can charge the phone up-to 80% in 35 minutes. Qualcomm claims that the power consumption is reduced up to a 30% when gaming.
The Snapdragon 450 supports single camera up-to 21 MP, supports dual camera 13 MP - 13 MP as well. It supports Full HD (1080p) video recording and playback at 60 fps, which is notably higher when compared to Snapdragon 435's Full HD (1080p) recording and 30 fps playback.
Qualcomm expects the Snapdragon 450 to be commercially available in Q3, 2017.
Qualcomm Press Release about Snapdragon 450
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